Welcome to MotoTH.com!
MotoTH.com – is the most complete database of motorcycles and scooters produced in Thailand by Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki. We have all specifications and descriptions available in English. We’ve tried to collect all available information about Thai made motorcycles and scooters in one place. This web site is still in development and we constantly update our database.
MotoTH.com has the best collection of user- and service- manuals for Thai motorcycles available in the Internet. You will find a lot of information, which will help you with maintenance of your scooter or motorcycle produced in Thailand. Most of documents are available in Thai and English languages. If you can help with translation of Thai we’ll eagerly accept your help. If you have any manuals or other documents which are not available on our website please share them with us.
MotoTH.com – is the complete database of spare parts for motorcycles and scooters made in Thailand by Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki.
Our web site is still in development. Not everything is translated yet. As some parts are translated with the help of automated translation software there are errors in text. We will be glad if you can point such errors to us. If you have any comments, offers or critics, please feel free to contact us.
With Best Regards, team of MotoTH.com!